Cache La
Poudre J.J. Johnston (J.J.), BLM
Date of
Birth: 10/11/2017
Vinwood's Trade Secret
Watermark's High Desert Storm SH
Owner: John
Breeder: Ed
& Laurie Neilson
Left Bird - J.J. went down the hill and crossed the pond and got over the levee and the road. He went through the bushes and straight to the bird.
Right Bird - Getting down the hill, J.J. crossed the left side of the pond. Getting up the hill, he had a loop deep of the guns, then did a loop right of the bird and got it!
Left Bird - J.J. went down the hill and crossed the pond and got over the levee and the road. He went through the bushes and straight to the bird.
Right Bird - Getting down the hill, J.J. crossed the left side of the pond. Getting up the hill, he had a loop deep of the guns, then did a loop right of the bird and got it!