Land Double with Hen Pheasant Flyer
Test Five is a Land Double. We are facing north with a stiff wind out of the south. The mat is on a tall mound facing a field that is bordered on the right with a strip of milo, then a tree line that extends to the north and then west at the end of the field. The field itself is a gentle slope up with low strips of cover mowed both north and south and then east and west.
On the left or west side of the field there is a strip of milo that runs halfway down the field. There is a break and then a mound from the line, the flyer guns are deep in this gap shooting to the right with the bird landing right of the mound.
Bird One is located on the right side of the field, throwing a dead rooster into the milo, landing 174 yards from the mat behind a brush pile.
Bird Two is a hen pheasant flyer. This bird is shot to the right angled back landing approximately 230 yards from the mat.