Monday, October 7, 2019

Test One - Test Dogs

First test dog is a female; Beaver Creek's White Lightning "Madge" handled by Sol Semmler from South Dakota came to the line at 7:44 am.

Rooster Flyer - Perfect line for a quick retrieve

Dead Rooster - Came in right of the guns and hunted the cover strip behind the guns. She worked her way to the left and got the bird.

Sol and "Madge"
Second test dog is a male; Meadowbrook's Doc Holiday "Doc" handled by Judy Despenas came to the line at 7:48 am.

Rooster Flyer - Charged on an angle down the hill to the fall area. Taking a quick turn through the strips of cover and got his bird,.

Dead Rooster - Straight down the hill to his bird.

Judy and "Doc"