What an Eighth Series test this Land Double with one Retired turned out to be. The judges wanted to make sure they had a good, strong test for these 19 Derby dogs that were called back to this series.
The first test dog, "Doc," came to the line at 12:43 pm. Following the test dogs, was our first running dog #2, "Willie," with Luann Pleasant. We had a gun change after dog #4, "Abby," completed her test. During the course of this test, we had only 1 no bird/rerun, 1 pick up and 5 handles. We ended this series with dog #26 at 2:20 pm. Being shy of 2 hours of competing, it took on an average 5 minutes per dog to complete this test.
The judges have called back 12 dogs, which means they have dropped 7 dogs.
We will see what tomorrow will bring as we gear up to crown our 3rd National Derby Champion …