Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Series Five - Test Dogs

We have a test dog substitution – Bayou Teche Perfect Game, "Koufaxx," LM handled by Lauren Hays Curtis.

Our first test dog, Katy with handler Sue George came to the line at 12:05 pm.

Flyer - Katy went out past the mound and straight to the bird.

Right Bird - Going up the hill into the cover, Katy hunted the cover hard. It was very thing and a very extended hunt, but she got it.


NOTE: The marshal went out and moved the guns on the right bird and changed the throw to where it is a right angle along the milo and not deep in it.


Our second test dog, Kaufaxx with handler Lauren Hays Curtis at 12:25 pm.

Flyer - Kaufaxx went out through the gap deep of his bird. He took a loop deep right and hunted deep. He then came back around the guns, still hunting both left and right. The guns stood up and helped him out since it was a very short bird.

Right Bird - Kaufaxx went across the field to the milo and made one turn right and got his bird.