Test Six is a Land Double. The mat for this test sits on a terrace at the south end of a pond facing north. The wind is coming out of the south. The terrain goes down from the front of the mat. On the right is a large steep levee that curves to the right. There is a heavy cluster of cedars just in front and to the left of the line. There is also a large cedar at the base of the hill.
Bird One - The right-hand bird is a dead rooster thrown flat to the right. These guns are 231 yards from the line on the right side of the handlers. The line to this bird takes the dog down the hill, right of the cedar at the bottom. They will then go back up the far side. The steep levee throws the dogs to the left of the guns, this will be hard to recover without a hunt.
Bird Two - Left Bird is 171 yards from the line just to the left of the line. This hen is thrown to the left angledback. The line to this bird takes the dog down the hill to the right of the clump of cedars and to the left of the large cedar at the bottom of the hill. They will then continue a short distance back up to the left of the gunners who are neutral-facing.