Cajun Duck Pond Wave Maker (Pireaux), BLF
Date of
Birth: 11/4/2017
Sire: FC-AFC
Coolwater's Knockout
Coolwater's Hooked On Springtime
Owner: Frank
Breeder: Alexandra
Left Bird - Pireaux went down the hill and into the pond. Crossing the pond, he exited and went across the levee and the road. Going through the bushes, he went straight to his bird.
Right Bird - Pireaux entered the center of the pond. He exited it and went up the short hill straight to his bird.
Left Bird - Pireaux went down the hill and into the pond. Crossing the pond, he exited and went across the levee and the road. Going through the bushes, he went straight to his bird.
Right Bird - Pireaux entered the center of the pond. He exited it and went up the short hill straight to his bird.